Social Work
Bible sentence (Mathew 25:40) and the founding fathers words “Not to despise the poor” and Pope Francis admonition,” We became rich by sharing, not by holding back “inspire us, to strive for social upliftment. Here, all the Social Service programs are designed to include all the monasteries and all sectors in the province.
Activities of Jai Christo trust and Jai Christo social trust
With the goal of raising the living standards of women, children and needy families who are suffering from chronic diseases, the Jai Christo charity trust was formed on December 8, 2011 for charitable activities and the Jai Christo social trust was formed in 2017 for developmental activities. During this period financial assistance was provided for agriculture, animal husbandry, other self-employment ventures as well as education, health, housing and marriage. With the aim of achieving self-sufficiency for women “KAIROS” self-help groups have been functioning well since 2017 with 900 women in 75 groups in 20 monasteries in parishes.
In 2017 “JAI JYOTHI”, an organization aimed at uplifting people affected with HIV and also a project named “OPPAM” was also implemented for the children of the members of Jai Jyothi. Through this project financial assistance and counseling services are provided for them. In 2020 “JAI JEWEL” project was introduced to promote self-employment Ventures and “JAI KISSAN” project was formed to uplift farmers and to promote organic farming. The “JAI SARATHY” project was formed for the upliftment of auto rickshaw drivers. An organization called “JAI KIDS” was started to inculcate spiritual and moral values in children and to develop the habit of
saving money in them. In addition to these we were able to serve in Relief work during the 2018-2019 flood and to provide financial assistance in the present pandemic crisis to those who are in distress.